Chaplains can be a key treatment resource in secular workplaces

Chaplains in secular workplacesParticularly for complex, crisis-driven and emergency service workplaces, emerging research and certainly trauma and stress focussed praxis indicates the usefulness of pastoral care and chaplains, in particular, as part of inter-disciplinary treatment responses. However, the reality in some organisations is notably different. Sometimes, chaplains are seen as anachronistic or “just” for the religiously minded. This reflection article briefly reviews the substantial and emerging applied research that places chaplaincy care at the centre of treatment and care – yet always in support of medical and psychological care. Not only does it challenge certain limiting notions, it suggests that many ill or injured workers in the search for meaning, healing, and the restoration of relationships and trust actively use chaplains. Leader and researchers are encouraged to take note of this and engage with holistic forms of care.

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